Chapter 3 - Secret Service

In a week Paul was a favorite with the household; even prudent Hesterfelt the charm of his presence, and owned that Lillian was happier for ayoung companion in her walks. Hitherto the child had led a solitarylife, with no playmates of her own age, such being the will of my lady;therefore she welcomed Paul as a new and delightful amusement,considering him her private property and soon transferring his dutiesfrom the garden to the house. Satisfied of his merits, my lady yieldedto Lillian's demands, and Paul was installed as page to the young lady.Always respectful and obedient, he never forgot his place, yet seemedunconsciously to influence all who approached him, and win the goodwillof everyone.

My lady showed unusual interest in the lad, and Lillian openly displayedher admiration for his accomplishments and her affection for her devotedyoung servitor. Hester was much flattered by the confidence he reposedin her, for to her alone did he tell his story, and of her alone askedadvice and comfort in his various small straits. It was as shesuspected: Paul was a gentleman's son, but misfortune had robbed him ofhome, friends, and parents, and thrown him upon the world to shift forhimself. This sad story touched the woman's heart, and the boy's manlyspirit won respect. She had lost a son years ago, and her empty heartyearned over the motherless lad. Ashamed to confess the tender feeling,she wore her usual severe manner to him in public, but in privatesoftened wonderfully and enjoyed the boy's regard heartily.

"Paul, come in. I want to speak with you a moment," said my lady, fromthe long window of the library to the boy who was training vinesoutside.

Dropping his tools and pulling off his hat, Paul obeyed, looking alittle anxious, for the month of trial expired that day. Lady Trevlynsaw and answered the look with a gracious smile.

"Have no fears. You are to stay if you will, for Lillian is happy and Iam satisfied with you."

"Thank you, my lady." And an odd glance of mingled pride and pain shonein the boy's downcast eyes.

"That is settled, then. Now let me say what I called you in for. Youspoke of being able to illuminate on parchment. Can you restore this oldbook for me?"

She put into his hand the ancient volume Sir Richard had been readingthe day he died. It had lain neglected in a damp nook for years till mylady discovered it, and, sad as were the associations connected with it,she desired to preserve it for the sake of the weird prophecy if nothingelse. Paul examined it, and as he turned it to and fro in his hands itopened at the page oftenest read by its late master. His eye kindled ashe looked, and with a quick gesture he turned as if toward the light, intruth to hide the flash of triumph that passed across his face.Carefully controlling his voice, he answered in a moment, as he lookedup, quite composed, "Yes, my lady, I can retouch the faded colors onthese margins and darken the pale ink of the Old English text. I likethe work, and will gladly do it if you like."

"Do it, then, but be very careful of the book while in your hands.Provide what is needful, and name your own price for the work," said hismistress.

"Nay, my lady, I am already paid - "

"How so?" she asked, surprised.

Paul had spoken hastily, and for an instant looked embarrassed, butanswered with a sudden flush on his dark cheeks, "You have been kind tome, and I am glad to show my, gratitude in any way, my lady."

"Let that pass, my boy. Do this little service for me and we will seeabout the recompense afterward." And with a smile Lady Trevlyn left himto begin his work.

The moment the door closed behind her a total change passed over Paul.He shook his clenched hand after her with a gesture of menace, thentossed up the old book and caught it with an exclamation of delight, ashe reopened it at the worn page and reread the inexplicable verse.

"Another proof, another proof! The work goes bravely on, Father Cosmo;and boy as I am, I'll keep my word in spite of everything," he muttered.

"What is that you'll keep, lad?" said a voice behind him.

"I'll keep my word to my lady, and do my best to restore this book, Mrs.Hester," he answered, quickly recovering himself.

"Ah, that's the last book poor Master read. I hid it away, but my ladyfound it in spite of me," said Hester, with a doleful sigh.

"Did he die suddenly, then?" asked the boy.

"Dear heart, yes; I found him dying in this room with the ink scarce dryon the letter he left for my lady. A mysterious business and a sad one."

"Tell me about it. I like sad stories, and I already feel as if Ibelonged to the family, a loyal retainer as in the old times. While youdust the books and I rub the mold off this old cover, tell me the tale,please, Mrs. Hester."

She shook her head, but yielded to the persuasive look and tone of theboy, telling the story more fully than she intended, for she lovedtalking and had come to regard Paul as her own, almost.

"And the letter? What was in it?" asked the boy, as she paused at thecatastrophe.

"No one ever knew but my lady."

"She destroyed it, then?"

"I thought so, till a long time afterward, one of the lawyers camepestering me with questions, and made me ask her. She was ill at thetime, but answered with a look I shall never forget, 'No, it's notburnt, but no one shall ever see it.' I dared ask no more, but I fancyshe has it safe somewhere and if it's ever needed she'll bring it out.It was only some private matters, I fancy."

"And the stranger?"

"Oh, he vanished as oddly as he came, and has never been found. Astrange story, lad. Keep silent, and let it rest."

"No fear of my tattling," and the boy smiled curiously to himself as hebent over the book, polishing the brassbound cover.

"What are you doing with that pretty white wax?" asked Lillian the nextday, as she came upon Paul in a quiet corner of the garden and found himabsorbed in some mysterious occupation.

With a quick gesture he destroyed his work, and, banishing a momentaryexpression of annoyance, he answered in his accustomed tone as he beganto work anew, "I am molding a little deer for you, Miss Lillian. See,here is a rabbit already done, and I'll soon have a stag also."

"It's very pretty! How many nice things you can do, and how kind you areto think of my liking something new. Was this wax what you went to getthis morning when you rode away so early?" asked the child.

"Yes, Miss Lillian. I was ordered to exercise your pony and I made himuseful as well. Would you like to try this? It's very easy."

Lillian was charmed, and for several days wax modeling was her favoriteplay. Then she tired of it, and Paul invented a new amusement, smilinghis inexplicable smile as he threw away the broken toys of wax.

"You are getting pale and thin, keeping such late hours, Paul. Go tobed, boy, go to bed, and get your sleep early," said Hester a weekafterward, with a motherly air, as Paul passed her one morning.

"And how do you know I don't go to bed?" he asked, wheeling about.

"My lady has been restless lately, and I sit up with her till shesleeps. As I go to my room, I see your lamp burning, and last night Igot as far as your door, meaning to speak to you, but didn't, thinkingyou'd take it amiss. But really you are the worse for late hours,child."

"I shall soon finish restoring the book, and then I'll sleep. I hope Idon't disturb you. I have to grind my colors, and often make more noisethan I mean to."

Paul fixed his eyes sharply on the woman as he spoke, but she seemedunconscious of it, and turned to go on, saying indifferently, "Oh,that's the odd sound, is it? No, it doesn't trouble me, so grind away,and make an end of it as soon as may be."

An anxious fold in the boy's forehead smoothed itself away as he lefther, saying to himself with a sigh of relief, "A narrow escape; it'swell I keep the door locked."

The boy's light burned no more after that, and Hester was content till anew worry came to trouble her. On her way to her room late one night,she saw a tall shadow flit down one of the side corridors that branchedfrom the main one. For a moment she was startled, but, being a woman ofcourage, she followed noiselessly, till the shadow seemed to vanish inthe gloom of the great hall.

"If the house ever owned a ghost I'd say that's it, but it never did, soI suspect some deviltry. I'll step to Paul. He's not asleep, I dare say.He's a brave and a sensible lad, and with him I'll quietly search thehouse."

Away she went, more nervous than she would own, and tapped at the boy'sdoor. No one answered, and, seeing that it was ajar, Hester whisked inso hurriedly that her candle went out. With an impatient exclamation ather carelessness she glided to the bed, drew the curtain, and put forthher hand to touch the sleeper. The bed was empty. A disagreeable thrillshot through her, as she assured herself of the fact by groping alongthe narrow bed. Standing in the shadow of the curtain, she stared aboutthe dusky room, in which objects were visible by the light of a newmoon.

"Lord bless me, what is the boy about! I do believe it was him I saw inthe - " She got no further in her mental exclamation for the sound oflight approaching footsteps neared her. Slipping around the bed shewaited in the shadow, and a moment after Paul appeared, looking pale andghostly, with dark, disheveled hair, wide-open eyes, and a cloak thrownover his shoulders. Without a pause he flung it off, laid himself inbed, and seemed to sleep at once.

"Paul! Paul!" whispered Hester, shaking him, after a pause ofastonishment at the whole proceeding.

"Hey, what is it?" And he sat up, looking drowsily about him.

"Come, come, no tricks, boy. What are you doing, trailing about thehouse at this hour and in such trim?"

"Why, Hester, is it you?" he exclaimed with a laugh, as he shook off hergrip and looked up at her in surprise.

"Yes, and well it is me. If it had been any of those silly girls, thehouse would have been roused by this time. What mischief is afoot thatyou leave your bed and play ghost in this wild fashion?"

"Leave my bed! Why, my good soul, I haven't stirred, but have beendreaming with all my might these two hours. What do you mean, Hester?"

She told him as she relit her lamp, and stood eyeing him sharply thewhile. When she finished he was silent a minute, then said, looking halfvexed and half ashamed, "I see how it is, and I'm glad you alone havefound me out. I walk in my sleep sometimes, Hester, that's the truth. Ithought I'd got over it, but it's come back, you see, and I'm sorry forit. Don't be troubled. I never do any mischief or come to any harm. Ijust take a quiet promenade and march back to bed again. Did I frightenyou?"

"Just a trifle, but it's nothing. Poor lad, you'll have to have abedfellow or be locked up; it's dangerous to go roaming about in thisway," said Hester anxiously.

"It won't last long, for I'll get more tired and then I shall sleepsounder. Don't tell anyone, please, else they'll laugh at me, and that'snot pleasant. I don't mind your knowing for you seem almost like amother, and I thank you for it with all my heart."

He held out his hand with the look that was irresistible to Hester.Remembering only that he was a motherless boy, she stroked the curlyhair off his forehead, and kissed him, with the thought of her own sonwarm at her heart.

"Good night, dear. I'll say nothing, but give you something that willensure quiet sleep hereafter."

With that she left him, but would have been annoyed could she have seenthe convulsion of boyish merriment which took possession of him whenalone, for he laughed till the tears ran down his cheeks.