Chapter 10 - The Other Professor

"We were looking for you!" cried Sylvie, in a tone of great relief."We do want you so much, you ca'n't think!"

"What is it, dear children?" the Professor asked, beaming on them witha very different look from what Uggug ever got from him.

"We want you to speak to the Gardener for us," Sylvie said, as she andBruno took the old man's hands and led him into the hall.

"He's ever so unkind!" Bruno mournfully added. "They's all unkind to us,now that Father's gone. The Lion were much nicer!"

"But you must explain to me, please," the Professor said with ananxious look, "which is the Lion, and which is the Gardener.It's most important not to get two such animals confused together.And one's very liable to do it in their case--both having mouths,you know--"

"Doos oo always confuses two animals together?" Bruno asked.

"Pretty often, I'm afraid," the Professor candidly confessed."Now, for instance, there's the rabbit-hutch and the hall-clock."The Professor pointed them out. "One gets a little confused withthem--both having doors, you know. Now, only yesterday--would youbelieve it?--I put some lettuces into the clock, and tried to wind upthe rabbit!"

"Did the rabbit go, after oo wounded it up?" said Bruno.

The Professor clasped his hands on the top of his head, and groaned."Go? I should think it did go! Why, it's gone? And where ever it'sgone to--that's what I ca'n't find out! I've done my best--I've readall the article 'Rabbit' in the great dictionary--Come in!"

"Only the tailor, Sir, with your little bill," said a meek voiceoutside the door.

"Ah, well, I can soon settle his business," the Professor said to thechildren, "if you'll just wait a minute. How much is it, this year,my man?" The tailor had come in while he was speaking.

"Well, it's been a doubling so many years, you see," the tailorreplied, a little gruffly, "and I think I'd like the money now.It's two thousand pound, it is!"

"Oh, that's nothing!" the Professor carelessly remarked, feeling in hispocket, as if he always carried at least that amount about with him."But wouldn't you like to wait just another year, and make it fourthousand? Just think how rich you'd be! Why, you might be a King,if you liked!"

"I don't know as I'd care about being a King," the man saidthoughtfully. "But it; dew sound a powerful sight o' money!Well, I think I'll wait--"

"Of course you will!" said the Professor. "There's good sense in you,I see. Good-day to you, my man!"

"Will you ever have to pay him that four thousand pounds?" Sylvie askedas the door closed on the departing creditor.

"Never, my child!" the Professor replied emphatically. "He'll go ondoubling it, till he dies. You see it's always worth while waitinganother year, to get twice as much money! And now what would you liketo do, my little friends? Shall I take you to see the Other Professor?This would be an excellent opportunity for a visit," he said tohimself, glancing at his watch: "he generally takes a short rest--of fourteen minutes and a half--about this time."

Bruno hastily went round to Sylvie, who was standing at the other sideof the Professor, and put his hand into hers. "I thinks we'd like togo," he said doubtfully: "only please let's go all together.It's best to be on the safe side, oo know!"

"Why, you talk as if you were Sylvie!" exclaimed the Professor.

"I know I did," Bruno replied very humbly. "I quite forgotted I wasn'tSylvie. Only I fought he might be rarver fierce!"

The Professor laughed a jolly laugh. "Oh, he's quite tame!" he said."He never bites. He's only a little--a little dreamy, you know."He took hold of Bruno's other hand; and led the children down a longpassage I had never noticed before--not that there was anythingremarkable in that: I was constantly coming on new rooms and passagesin that mysterious Palace, and very seldom succeeded in finding the oldones again.

Near the end of the passage the Professor stopped. "This is his room,"he said, pointing to the solid wall.

"We ca'n't get in through there!" Bruno exclaimed.

Sylvie said nothing, till she had carefully examined whether the wallopened anywhere. Then she laughed merrily. "You're playing us atrick, you dear old thing!" she said. "There's no door here!"

"There isn't any door to the room," said the Professor."We shall have to climb in at the window."

So we went into the garden, and soon found the window of the OtherProfessor's room. It was a ground-floor window, and stood invitinglyopen: the Professor first lifted the two children in, and then he and Iclimbed in after them.

[Image...The other professor]

The Other Professor was seated at a table, with a large book openbefore him, on which his forehead was resting: he had clasped his armsround the book, and was snoring heavily. "He usually reads like that,"the Professor remarked, "when the book's very interesting: and thensometimes it's very difficult to get him to attend!"

This seemed to be one of the difficult times: the Professor lifted himup, once or twice, and shook him violently: but he always returned tohis book the moment he was let go of, and showed by his heavy breathingthat the book was as interesting as ever.

"How dreamy he is!" the Professor exclaimed. "He must have got to avery interesting part of the book!" And he rained quite a shower ofthumps on the Other Professor's back, shouting "Hoy! Hoy!" all thetime. "Isn't it wonderful that he should be so dreamy?" he said toBruno.

"If he's always as sleepy as that," Bruno remarked, "a course he'sdreamy!"

"But what are we to do?" said the Professor. "You see he's quitewrapped up in the book!"

"Suppose oo shuts the book?" Bruno suggested.

"That's it!" cried the delighted Professor. "Of course that'll do it!"And he shut up the book so quickly that he caught the Other Professor'snose between the leaves, and gave it a severe pinch.

The Other Professor instantly rose to his feet, and carried the bookaway to the end of the room, where he put it back in its place in thebook-case. "I've been reading for eighteen hours and three-quarters,"he said, "and now I shall rest for fourteen minutes and a half.Is the Lecture all ready?"

"Very nearly, "the Professor humbly replied. "I shall ask you to giveme a hint or two--there will be a few little difficulties--"

"And Banquet, I think you said?"

"Oh, yes! The Banquet comes first, of course. People never enjoyAbstract Science, you know, when they're ravenous with hunger.And then there's the Fancy-Dress-Ball. Oh, there'll be lots ofentertainment!"

"Where will the Ball come in?" said the Other Professor.

"I think it had better come at the beginning of the Banquet--it bringspeople together so nicely, you know."

"Yes, that's the right order. First the Meeting: then the Eating: thenthe Treating--for I'm sure any Lecture you give us will be a treat!"said the Other Professor, who had been standing with his back to us allthis time, occupying himself in taking the books out, one by one, andturning them upside-down. An easel, with a black board on it, stoodnear him: and, every time that he turned a book upside-down, he made amark on the board with a piece of chalk.

"And as to the 'Pig-Tale'--which you have so kindly promised to give us--"the Professor went on, thoughtfully rubbing his chin. "I think thathad better come at the end of the Banquet: then people can listento it quietly."

"Shall I sing it?" the Other Professor asked, with a smile of delight.

"If you can," the Professor replied, cautiously.

"Let me try," said the Other Professor, seating himself at the pianoforte."For the sake of argument, let us assume that it begins on A flat."And he struck the note in question. "La, la, la! I think that'swithin an octave of it." He struck the note again, and appealed to Bruno,who was standing at his side. "Did I sing it like that, my child?"

"No, oo didn't," Bruno replied with great decision. "It were more likea duck."

"Single notes are apt to have that effect," the Other Professor saidwith a sigh. "Let me try a whole verse.

There was a Pig, that sat alone,Beside a ruined Pump.By day and night he made his moan:It would have stirred a heart of stoneTo see him wring his hoofs and groan,Because he could not jump.

Would you call that a tune, Professor?" he asked, when he had finished.

The Professor considered a little. "Well," he said at last, "some ofthe notes are the same as others and some are different but I shouldhardly call it a tune."

"Let me try it a bit by myself," said the Other Professor.And he began touching the notes here and there, and humming to himselflike an angry bluebottle.

"How do you like his singing?" the Professor asked the children in alow voice.

"It isn't very beautiful," Sylvie said, hesitatingly.

"It's very extremely ugly!" Bruno said, without any hesitation at all.

"All extremes are bad," the Professor said, very gravely."For instance, Sobriety is a very good thing, when practised inmoderation: but even Sobriety, when carried to an extreme,has its disadvantages."

"What are its disadvantages?" was the question that rose in my mind--and, as usual, Bruno asked it for me. "What are its lizard bandages?'

"Well, this is one of them," said the Professor. "When a man's tipsy(that's one extreme, you know), he sees one thing as two. But, when he'sextremely sober (that's the other extreme), he sees two things as one.It's equally inconvenient, whichever happens.

"What does 'illconvenient' mean?" Bruno whispered to Sylvie.

"The difference between 'convenient' and 'inconvenient' is bestexplained by an example," said the Other Professor, who had overheardthe question. "If you'll just think over any Poem that contains thetwo words--such as--"

The Professor put his hands over his ears, with a look of dismay."If you once let him begin a Poem," he said to Sylvie,"he'll never leave off again! He never does!"

"Did he ever begin a Poem and not leave off again?" Sylvie enquired.

"Three times," said the Professor.

Bruno raised himself on tiptoe, till his lips were on a level withSylvie's ear. "What became of them three Poems?" he whispered."Is he saying them all, now?"

"Hush!" said Sylvie. "The Other Professor is speaking!"

"I'll say it very quick," murmured the Other Professor, with downcasteyes, and melancholy voice, which contrasted oddly with his face, as hehad forgotten to leave off smiling. ("At least it wasn't exactly asmile," as Sylvie said afterwards: "it looked as if his mouth was madethat shape."

"Go on then," said the Professor. "What must be must be."

"Remember that!" Sylvie whispered to Bruno, "It's a very good rule forwhenever you hurt yourself."

"And it's a very good rule for whenever I make a noise," said the saucylittle fellow. "So you remember it too, Miss!"

"Whatever do you mean?" said Sylvie, trying to frown, a thing she nevermanaged particularly well.

"Oftens and oftens," said Bruno, "haven't oo told me ' There mustn't beso much noise, Bruno!' when I've tolded oo 'There must!' Why, thereisn't no rules at all about 'There mustn't'! But oo never believes me!"

"As if any one could believe you, you wicked wicked boy!" said Sylvie.The words were severe enough, but I am of opinion that, when you arereally anxious to impress a criminal with a sense of his guilt, youought not to pronounce the sentence with your lips quite close to hischeek--since a kiss at the end of it, however accidental, weakens theeffect terribly.