Chapter 63 - The Dinner

It was evident that one sentiment affected all the guests onentering the dining-room. Each one asked what strangeinfluence had brought them to this house, and yetastonished, even uneasy though they were, they still feltthat they would not like to be absent. The recent events,the solitary and eccentric position of the count, hisenormous, nay, almost incredible fortune, should have mademen cautious, and have altogether prevented ladies visitinga house where there was no one of their own sex to receivethem; and yet curiosity had been enough to lead them tooverleap the bounds of prudence and decorum. And allpresent, even including Cavalcanti and his son,notwithstanding the stiffness of the one and thecarelessness of the other, were thoughtful, on findingthemselves assembled at the house of this incomprehensibleman. Madame Danglars had started when Villefort, on thecount's invitation, offered his arm; and Villefort felt thathis glance was uneasy beneath his gold spectacles, when hefelt the arm of the baroness press upon his own. None ofthis had escaped the count, and even by this mere contact ofindividuals the scene had already acquired considerableinterest for an observer. M. de Villefort had on the righthand Madame Danglars, on his left Morrel. The count wasseated between Madame de Villefort and Danglars; the otherseats were filled by Debray, who was placed between the twoCavalcanti, and by Chateau-Renaud, seated between Madame deVillefort and Morrel.

The repast was magnificent; Monte Cristo had endeavoredcompletely to overturn the Parisian ideas, and to feed thecuriosity as much as the appetite of his guests. It was anOriental feast that he offered to them, but of such a kindas the Arabian fairies might be supposed to prepare. Everydelicious fruit that the four quarters of the globe couldprovide was heaped in vases from China and jars from Japan.Rare birds, retaining their most brilliant plumage, enormousfish, spread upon massive silver dishes, together with everywine produced in the Archipelago, Asia Minor, or the Cape,sparkling in bottles, whose grotesque shape seemed to givean additional flavor to the draught, - all these, like oneof the displays with which Apicius of old gratified hisguests, passed in review before the eyes of the astonishedParisians, who understood that it was possible to expend athousand louis upon a dinner for ten persons, but only onthe condition of eating pearls, like Cleopatra, or drinkingrefined gold, like Lorenzo de' Medici.

Monte Cristo noticed the general astonishment, and beganlaughing and joking about it. "Gentlemen," he said, "youwill admit that, when arrived at a certain degree offortune, the superfluities of life are all that can bedesired; and the ladies will allow that, after having risento a certain eminence of position, the ideal alone can bemore exalted. Now, to follow out this reasoning, what is themarvellous? - that which we do not understand. What is itthat we really desire? - that which we cannot obtain. Now,to see things which I cannot understand, to procureimpossibilities, these are the study of my life. I gratifymy wishes by two means - my will and my money. I take asmuch interest in the pursuit of some whim as you do, M.Danglars, in promoting a new railway line; you, M. deVillefort, in condemning a culprit to death; you, M. Debray,in pacifying a kingdom; you, M. de Chateau-Renaud, inpleasing a woman; and you, Morrel, in breaking a horse thatno one can ride. For example, you see these two fish; onebrought fifty leagues beyond St. Petersburg, the other fiveleagues from Naples. Is it not amusing to see them both onthe same table?"

"What are the two fish?" asked Danglars.

"M. Chateau-Renaud, who has lived in Russia, will tell youthe name of one, and Major Cavalcanti, who is an Italian,will tell you the name of the other."

"This one is, I think, a sterlet," said Chateau-Renaud.

"And that one, if I mistake not, a lamprey."

"Just so. Now, M. Danglars, ask these gentlemen where theyare caught."

"Starlets," said Chateau-Renaud, "are only found in theVolga."

"And," said Cavalcanti, "I know that Lake Fusaro alonesupplies lampreys of that size."

"Exactly; one comes from the Volga, and the other from LakeFusaro."

"Impossible!" cried all the guests simultaneously.

"Well, this is just what amuses me," said Monte Cristo. "Iam like Nero - cupitor impossibilium; and that is what isamusing you at this moment. This fish, which seems soexquisite to you, is very likely no better than perch orsalmon; but it seemed impossible to procure it, and here itis."

"But how could you have these fish brought to France?"

"Oh, nothing more easy. Each fish was brought over in a cask- one filled with river herbs and weeds, the other withrushes and lake plants; they were placed in a wagon built onpurpose, and thus the sterlet lived twelve days, the lampreyeight, and both were alive when my cook seized them, killingone with milk and the other with wine. You do not believeme, M. Danglars!"

"I cannot help doubting," answered Danglars with his stupidsmile.

"Baptistin," said the count, "have the other fish brought in- the sterlet and the lamprey which came in the othercasks, and which are yet alive." Danglars opened hisbewildered eyes; the company clapped their hands. Fourservants carried in two casks covered with aquatic plants,and in each of which was breathing a fish similar to thoseon the table.

"But why have two of each sort?" asked Danglars.

"Merely because one might have died," carelessly answeredMonte Cristo.

"You are certainly an extraordinary man," said Danglars;"and philosophers may well say it is a fine thing to berich."

"And to have ideas," added Madame Danglars.

"Oh, do not give me credit for this, madame; it was done bythe Romans, who much esteemed them, and Pliny relates thatthey sent slaves from Ostia to Rome, who carried on theirheads fish which he calls the mulus, and which, from thedescription, must probably be the goldfish. It was alsoconsidered a luxury to have them alive, it being an amusingsight to see them die, for, when dying, they change colorthree or four times, and like the rainbow when itdisappears, pass through all the prismatic shades, afterwhich they were sent to the kitchen. Their agony formed partof their merit - if they were not seen alive, they weredespised when dead."

"Yes," said Debray, "but then Ostia is only a few leaguesfrom Rome."

"True," said Monte Cristo; "but what would be the use ofliving eighteen hundred years after Lucullus. if we can dono better than he could?" The two Cavalcanti opened theirenormous eyes, but had the good sense not to say anything."All this is very extraordinary," said Chateau-Renaud;"still, what I admire the most, I confess, is the marvellouspromptitude with which your orders are executed. Is it nottrue that you only bought this house five or six days ago?"

"Certainly not longer."

"Well, I am sure it is quite transformed since last week. IfI remember rightly, it had another entrance, and thecourt-yard was paved and empty; while to-day we have asplendid lawn, bordered by trees which appear to be ahundred years old."

"Why not? I am fond of grass and shade," said Monte Cristo.

"Yes," said Madame de Villefort, "the door was towards theroad before, and on the day of my miraculous escape youbrought me into the house from the road, I remember."

"Yes, madame," said Monte Cristo; "but I preferred having anentrance which would allow me to see the Bois de Boulogneover my gate."

"In four days," said Morrel; "it is extraordinary!"

"Indeed," said Chateau-Renaud, "it seems quite miraculous tomake a new house out of an old one; for it was very old, anddull too. I recollect coming for my mother to look at itwhen M. de Saint-Meran advertised it for sale two or threeyears ago."

"M. de Saint-Meran?" said Madame de Villefort; "then thishouse belonged to M. de Saint-Meran before you bought it?"

"It appears so," replied Monte Cristo.

"Is it possible that you do not know of whom you purchasedit?"

"Quite so; my steward transacts all this business for me."

"It is certainly ten years since the house had beenoccupied," said Chateau-Renaud, "and it was quite melancholyto look at it, with the blinds closed, the doors locked, andthe weeds in the court. Really, if the house had notbelonged to the father-in-law of the procureur, one mighthave thought it some accursed place where a horrible crimehad been committed." Villefort, who had hitherto not tastedthe three or four glasses of rare wine which were placedbefore him, here took one, and drank it off. Monte Cristoallowed a short time to elapse, and then said, "It issingular, baron, but the same idea came across me the firsttime I came here; it looked so gloomy I should never havebought it if my steward had not taken the matter into hisown hands. Perhaps the fellow had been bribed by thenotary."

"It is probable," stammered out Villefort, trying to smile;"but I can assure you that I had nothing to do with any suchproceeding. This house is part of Valentine'smarriage-portion, and M. de Saint-Meran wished to sell it;for if it had remained another year or two uninhabited itwould have fallen to ruin." It was Morrel's turn to becomepale.

"There was, above all, one room," continued Monte Cristo,"very plain in appearance, hung with red damask, which, Iknow not why, appeared to me quite dramatic."

"Why so?" said Danglars; "why dramatic?"

"Can we account for instinct?" said Monte Cristo. "Are therenot some places where we seem to breathe sadness? - why, wecannot tell. It is a chain of recollections - an idea whichcarries you back to other times, to other places - which,very likely, have no connection with the present time andplace. And there is something in this room which reminds meforcibly of the chamber of the Marquise de Ganges* orDesdemona. Stay, since we have finished dinner, I will showit to you, and then we will take coffee in the garden. Afterdinner, the play." Monte Cristo looked inquiringly at hisguests. Madame de Villefort rose, Monte Cristo did the same,and the rest followed their example. Villefort and MadameDanglars remained for a moment, as if rooted to their seats;they questioned each other with vague and stupid glances."Did you hear?" said Madame Danglars.

Elisabeth de Rossan, Marquise de Ganges, was one of thefamous women of the court of Louis XIV. where she was knownas "La Belle Provencale." She was the widow of the Marquisede Castellane when she married de Ganges, and having themisfortune to excite the enmity of her new brothers-in-law,was forced by them to take poison; and they finished her offwith pistol and dagger. - Ed.

"We must go," replied Villefort, offering his arm. Theothers, attracted by curiosity, were already scattered indifferent parts of the house; for they thought the visitwould not be limited to the one room, and that, at the sametime, they would obtain a view of the rest of the building,of which Monte Cristo had created a palace. Each one wentout by the open doors. Monte Cristo waited for the two whoremained; then, when they had passed, he brought up therear, and on his face was a smile, which, if they could haveunderstood it, would have alarmed them much more than avisit to the room they were about to enter. They began bywalking through the apartments, many of which were fitted upin the Eastern style, with cushions and divans instead ofbeds, and pipes instead of furniture. The drawing-rooms weredecorated with the rarest pictures by the old masters, theboudoirs hung with draperies from China, of fanciful colors,fantastic design, and wonderful texture. At length theyarrived at the famous room. There was nothing particularabout it, excepting that, although daylight had disappeared,it was not lighted, and everything in it was old-fashioned,while the rest of the rooms had been redecorated. These twocauses were enough to give it a gloomy aspect. "Oh." criedMadame de Villefort, "it is really frightful." MadameDanglars tried to utter a few words, but was not heard. Manyobservations were made, the import of which was a unanimousopinion that there was something sinister about the room."Is it not so?" asked Monte Cristo. "Look at that largeclumsy bed, hung with such gloomy, blood-colored drapery!And those two crayon portraits, that have faded from thedampness; do they not seem to say, with their pale lips andstaring eyes, `We have seen'?" Villefort became livid;Madame Danglars fell into a long seat placed near thechimney. "Oh," said Madame de Villefort, smiling, "are youcourageous enough to sit down upon the very seat perhapsupon which the crime was committed?" Madame Danglars rosesuddenly.

"And then," said Monte Cristo, "this is not all."

"What is there more?" said Debray, who had not failed tonotice the agitation of Madame Danglars.

"Ah, what else is there?" said Danglars; "for, at present, Icannot say that I have seen anything extraordinary. What doyou say, M. Cavalcanti?"

"Ah," said he, "we have at Pisa, Ugolino's tower; atFerrara, Tasso's prison; at Rimini, the room of Francescaand Paolo."

"Yes, but you have not this little staircase," said MonteCristo, opening a door concealed by the drapery. "Look atit, and tell me what you think of it."

"What a wicked-looking, crooked staircase," saidChateau-Renaud with a smile.

"I do not know whether the wine of Chios producesmelancholy, but certainly everything appears to me black inthis house," said Debray.

Ever since Valentine's dowry had been mentioned, Morrel hadbeen silent and sad. "Can you imagine," said Monte Cristo,"some Othello or Abbe de Ganges, one stormy, dark night,descending these stairs step by step, carrying a load, whichhe wishes to hide from the sight of man, if not from God?"Madame Danglars half fainted on the arm of Villefort, whowas obliged to support himself against the wall. "Ah,madame," cried Debray, "what is the matter with you? howpale you look!"

"It is very evident what is the matter with her," saidMadame de Villefort; "M. de Monte Cristo is relatinghorrible stories to us, doubtless intending to frighten usto death."

"Yes," said Villefort, "really, count, you frighten theladies."

"What is the matter?" asked Debray, in a whisper, of MadameDanglars.

"Nothing," she replied with a violent effort. "I want air,that is all."

"Will you come into the garden?" said Debray, advancingtowards the back staircase.

"No, no," she answered, "I would rather remain here."

"Are you really frightened, madame?" said Monte Cristo.

"Oh, no, sir," said Madame Danglars; "but you suppose scenesin a manner which gives them the appearance of reality "

"Ah, yes," said Monte Cristo smiling; "it is all a matter ofimagination. Why should we not imagine this the apartment ofan honest mother? And this bed with red hangings, a bedvisited by the goddess Lucina? And that mysteriousstaircase, the passage through which, not to disturb theirsleep, the doctor and nurse pass, or even the fathercarrying the sleeping child?" Here Madame Danglars, insteadof being calmed by the soft picture, uttered a groan andfainted. "Madame Danglars is ill," said Villefort; "it wouldbe better to take her to her carriage."

"Oh, mon Dieu," said Monte Cristo, "and I have forgotten mysmelling-bottle!"

"I have mine," said Madame de Villefort; and she passed overto Monte Cristo a bottle full of the same kind of red liquidwhose good properties the count had tested on Edward.

"Ah," said Monte Cristo, taking it from her hand.

"Yes," she said, "at your advice I have made the trial."

"And have you succeeded?"

"I think so."

Madame Danglars was carried into the adjoining room; MonteCristo dropped a very small portion of the red liquid uponher lips; she returned to consciousness. "Ah," she cried,"what a frightful dream!"

Villefort pressed her hand to let her know it was not adream. They looked for M. Danglars, but, as he was notespecially interested in poetical ideas, he had gone intothe garden, and was talking with Major Cavalcanti on theprojected railway from Leghorn to Florence. Monte Cristoseemed in despair. He took the arm of Madame Danglars, andconducted her into the garden, where they found Danglarstaking coffee between the Cavalcanti. "Really, madame," hesaid, "did I alarm you much?"

"Oh, no, sir," she answered; "but you know, things impressus differently, according to the mood of our minds."Villefort forced a laugh. "And then, you know," he said, "anidea, a supposition, is sufficient."

"Well," said Monte Cristo, "you may believe me if you like,but it is my opinion that a crime has been committed in thishouse."

"Take care," said Madame de Villefort, "the king's attorneyis here."

"Ah," replied Monte Cristo, "since that is the case, I willtake advantage of his presence to make my declaration."

"Your declaration?" said Villefort.

"Yes, before witnesses."

"Oh, this is very interesting," said Debray; "if therereally has been a crime, we will investigate it."

"There has been a crime," said Monte Cristo. "Come this way,gentlemen; come, M. Villefort, for a declaration to beavailable, should be made before the competent authorities."He then took Villefort's arm, and, at the same time, holdingthat of Madame Danglars under his own, he dragged theprocureur to the plantain-tree, where the shade wasthickest. All the other guests followed. "Stay," said MonteCristo, "here, in this very spot" (and he stamped upon theground), "I had the earth dug up and fresh mould put in, torefresh these old trees; well, my man, digging, found a box,or rather, the iron-work of a box, in the midst of which wasthe skeleton of a newly born infant." Monte Cristo felt thearm of Madame Danglars stiffen, while that of Villeforttrembled. "A newly born infant," repeated Debray; "thisaffair becomes serious!"

"Well," said Chateau-Renaud, "I was not wrong just now then,when I said that houses had souls and faces like men, andthat their exteriors carried the impress of theircharacters. This house was gloomy because it was remorseful:it was remorseful because it concealed a crime."

"Who said it was a crime?" asked Villefort, with a lasteffort.

"How? is it not a crime to bury a living child in a garden?"cried Monte Cristo. "And pray what do you call such anaction?"

"But who said it was buried alive?"

"Why bury it there if it were dead? This garden has neverbeen a cemetery."

"What is done to infanticides in this country?" asked MajorCavalcanti innocently.

"Oh, their heads are soon cut off," said Danglars.

"Ah, indeed?" said Cavalcanti.

"I think so; am I not right, M. de Villefort?" asked MonteCristo.

"Yes, count," replied Villefort, in a voice now scarcelyhuman.

Monte Cristo, seeing that the two persons for whom he hadprepared this scene could scarcely endure it, and notwishing to carry it too far, said, "Come, gentlemen, - somecoffee, we seem to have forgotten it," and he conducted theguests back to the table on the lawn.

"Indeed, count," said Madame Danglars, "I am ashamed to ownit, but all your frightful stories have so upset me, that Imust beg you to let me sit down;" and she fell into a chair.Monte Cristo bowed, and went to Madame de Villefort. "Ithink Madame Danglars again requires your bottle," he said.But before Madame de Villefort could reach her friend theprocureur had found time to whisper to Madame Danglars, "Imust speak to you."




"In my office, or in the court, if you like, - that is thesurest place."

"I will be there." - At this moment Madame de Villefortapproached. "Thanks, my dear friend," said Madame Danglars,trying to smile; "it is over now, and I am much better."