Chapter 90 - The Meeting

After Mercedes had left Monte Cristo, he fell into profoundgloom. Around him and within him the flight of thoughtseemed to have stopped; his energetic mind slumbered, as thebody does after extreme fatigue. "What?" said he to himself,while the lamp and the wax lights were nearly burnt out, andthe servants were waiting impatiently in the anteroom;"what? this edifice which I have been so long preparing,which I have reared with so much care and toil, is to becrushed by a single touch, a word, a breath! Yes, this self,of whom I thought so much, of whom I was so proud, who hadappeared so worthless in the dungeons of the Chateau d'If,and whom I had succeeded in making so great, will be but alump of clay to-morrow. Alas, it is not the death of thebody I regret; for is not the destruction of the vitalprinciple, the repose to which everything is tending, towhich every unhappy being aspires, - is not this the reposeof matter after which I so long sighed, and which I wasseeking to attain by the painful process of starvation whenFaria appeared in my dungeon? What is death for me? One stepfarther into rest, - two, perhaps, into silence.

"No, it is not existence, then, that I regret, but the ruinof projects so slowly carried out, so laboriously framed.Providence is now opposed to them, when I most thought itwould be propitious. It is not God's will that they shouldbe accomplished. This burden, almost as heavy as a world,which I had raised, and I had thought to bear to the end,was too great for my strength, and I was compelled to lay itdown in the middle of my career. Oh, shall I then, againbecome a fatalist, whom fourteen years of despair and ten ofhope had rendered a believer in providence? And all this - all this, because my heart, which I thought dead, was onlysleeping; because it has awakened and has begun to beatagain, because I have yielded to the pain of the emotionexcited in my breast by a woman's voice. Yet," continued thecount, becoming each moment more absorbed in theanticipation of the dreadful sacrifice for the morrow, whichMercedes had accepted, "yet, it is impossible that sonoble-minded a woman should thus through selfishness consentto my death when I am in the prime of life and strength; itis impossible that she can carry to such a point maternallove, or rather delirium. There are virtues which becomecrimes by exaggeration. No, she must have conceived somepathetic scene; she will come and throw herself between us;and what would be sublime here will there appearridiculous." The blush of pride mounted to the count'sforehead as this thought passed through his mind."Ridiculous?" repeated he; "and the ridicule will fall onme. I ridiculous? No, I would rather die."

By thus exaggerating to his own mind the anticipatedill-fortune of the next day, to which he had condemnedhimself by promising Mercedes to spare her son, the count atlast exclaimed, "Folly, folly, folly! - to carry generosityso far as to put myself up as a mark for that young man toaim at. He will never believe that my death was suicide; andyet it is important for the honor of my memory, - and thissurely is not vanity, but a justifiable pride, - it isimportant the world should know that I have consented, by myfree will, to stop my arm, already raised to strike, andthat with the arm which has been so powerful against othersI have struck myself. It must be; it shall be."

Seizing a pen, he drew a paper from a secret drawer in hisdesk, and wrote at the bottom of the document (which was noother than his will, made since his arrival in Paris) a sortof codicil, clearly explaining the nature of his death. "Ido this, O my God," said he, with his eyes raised to heaven,"as much for thy honor as for mine. I have during ten yearsconsidered myself the agent of thy vengeance, and otherwretches, like Morcerf, Danglars, Villefort, even Morcerfhimself, must not imagine that chance has freed them fromtheir enemy. Let them know, on the contrary, that theirpunishment, which had been decreed by providence, is onlydelayed by my present determination, and although theyescape it in this world, it awaits them in another, and thatthey are only exchanging time for eternity."

While he was thus agitated by gloomy uncertainties, - wretched waking dreams of grief, - the first rays ofmorning pierced his windows, and shone upon the pale bluepaper on which he had just inscribed his justification ofprovidence. It was just five o'clock in the morning when aslight noise like a stifled sigh reached his ear. He turnedhis head, looked around him, and saw no one; but the soundwas repeated distinctly enough to convince him of itsreality.

He arose, and quietly opening the door of the drawing-room,saw Haidee, who had fallen on a chair, with her arms hangingdown and her beautiful head thrown back. She had beenstanding at the door, to prevent his going out withoutseeing her, until sleep, which the young cannot resist, hadoverpowered her frame, wearied as she was with watching. Thenoise of the door did not awaken her, and Monte Cristo gazedat her with affectionate regret. "She remembered that shehad a son," said he; "and I forgot I had a daughter." Then,shaking his head sorrowfully, "Poor Haidee," said he; "shewished to see me, to speak to me; she has feared or guessedsomething. Oh, I cannot go without taking leave of her; Icannot die without confiding her to some one." He quietlyregained his seat, and wrote under the other lines: -

"I bequeath to Maximilian Morrel, captain of Spahis, - andson of my former patron, Pierre Morrel, shipowner atMarseilles, - the sum of twenty millions, a part of whichmay be offered to his sister Julia and brother-in-lawEmmanuel, if he does not fear this increase of fortune maymar their happiness. These twenty millions are concealed inmy grotto at Monte Cristo, of which Bertuccio knows thesecret. If his heart is free, and he will marry Haidee, thedaughter of Ali Pasha of Yanina, whom I have brought up withthe love of a father, and who has shown the love andtenderness of a daughter for me, he will thus accomplish mylast wish. This will has already constituted Haidee heiressof the rest of my fortune, consisting of lands, funds inEngland, Austria, and Holland, furniture in my differentpalaces and houses, and which without the twenty millionsand the legacies to my servants, may still amount to sixtymillions."

He was finishing the last line when a cry behind him madehim start, and the pen fell from his hand. "Haidee," saidhe. "did you read it?"

"Oh, my lord," said she, "why are you writing thus at suchan hour? Why are you bequeathing all your fortune to me? Areyou going to leave me?"

"I am going on a journey, dear child," said Monte Cristo,with an expression of infinite tenderness and melancholy;"and if any misfortune should happen to me"

The count stopped. "Well?" asked the young girl, with anauthoritative tone the count had never observed before, andwhich startled him. "Well, if any misfortune happen to me,"replied Monte Cristo, "I wish my daughter to be happy."Haidee smiled sorrowfully, and shook her head. "Do you thinkof dying, my lord?" said she.

"The wise man, my child, has said, `It is good to think ofdeath.'"

"Well, if you die," said she, "bequeath your fortune toothers, for if you die I shall require nothing;" and, takingthe paper, she tore it in four pieces, and threw it into themiddle of the room. Then, the effort having exhausted herstrength, she fell not asleep this time, but fainting on thefloor. The count leaned over her and raised her in his arms;and seeing that sweet pale face, those lovely eyes closed,that beautiful form motionless and to all appearancelifeless, the idea occurred to him for the first time, thatperhaps she loved him otherwise than as a daughter loves afather.

"Alas," murmured he, with intense suffering, "I might, then,have been happy yet." Then he carried Haidee to her room,resigned her to the care of her attendants, and returning tohis study, which he shut quickly this time, he again copiedthe destroyed will. As he was finishing, the sound of acabriolet entering the yard was heard. Monte Cristoapproached the window, and saw Maximilian and Emmanuelalight. "Good," said he; "it was time," - and he sealed hiswill with three seals. A moment afterwards he heard a noisein the drawing-room, and went to open the door himself.Morrel was there; he had come twenty minutes before the timeappointed. "I am perhaps come too soon, count," said he,"but I frankly acknowledge that I have not closed my eyesall night, nor has any one in my house. I need to see youstrong in your courageous assurance, to recover myself."Monte Cristo could not resist this proof of affection; henot only extended his hand to the young man, but flew to himwith open arms. "Morrel," said he, "it is a happy day forme, to feel that I am beloved by such a man as you.Good-morning, Emmanuel; you will come with me then,Maximilian?"

"Did you doubt it?" said the young captain.

"But if I were wrong" -

"I watched you during the whole scene of that challengeyesterday; I have been thinking of your firmness all night,and I said to myself that justice must be on your side, orman's countenance is no longer to be relied on."

"But, Morrel, Albert is your friend?"

"Simply an acquaintance, sir."

"You met on the same day you first saw me?"

"Yes, that is true; but I should not have recollected it ifyou had not reminded me."

"Thank you, Morrel." Then ringing the bell once, "Look."said he to Ali, who came immediately, "take that to mysolicitor. It is my will, Morrel. When I am dead, you willgo and examine it."

"What?" said Morrel, "you dead?"

"Yes; must I not be prepared for everything, dear friend?But what did you do yesterday after you left me?"

"I went to Tortoni's, where, as I expected, I foundBeauchamp and Chateau-Renaud. I own I was seeking them."

"Why, when all was arranged?"

"Listen, count; the affair is serious and unavoidable."

"Did you doubt it!"

"No; the offence was public, and every one is alreadytalking of it."


"Well, I hoped to get an exchange of arms, - to substitutethe sword for the pistol; the pistol is blind."

"Have you succeeded?" asked Monte Cristo quickly, with animperceptible gleam of hope.

"No; for your skill with the sword is so well known."

"Ah? - who has betrayed me?"

"The skilful swordsman whom you have conquered."

"And you failed?"

"They positively refused."

"Morrel," said the count, "have you ever seen me fire apistol?"


"Well, we have time; look." Monte Cristo took the pistols heheld in his hand when Mercedes entered, and fixing an ace ofclubs against the iron plate, with four shots hesuccessively shot off the four sides of the club. At eachshot Morrel turned pale. He examined the bullets with whichMonte Cristo performed this dexterous feat, and saw thatthey were no larger than buckshot. "It is astonishing," saidhe. "Look, Emmanuel." Then turning towards Monte Cristo,"Count," said he, "in the name of all that is dear to you, Ientreat you not to kill Albert! - the unhappy youth has amother."

"You are right," said Monte Cristo; "and I have none." Thesewords were uttered in a tone which made Morrel shudder. "Youare the offended party, count."

"Doubtless; what does that imply?"

"That you will fire first."

"I fire first?"

"Oh, I obtained, or rather claimed that; we had concededenough for them to yield us that."

"And at what distance?"

"Twenty paces." A smile of terrible import passed over thecount's lips. "Morrel," said he, "do not forget what youhave just seen."

"The only chance for Albert's safety, then, will arise fromyour emotion."

"I suffer from emotion?" said Monte Cristo.

"Or from your generosity, my friend; to so good a marksmanas you are, I may say what would appear absurd to another."

"What is that?"

"Break his arm - wound him - but do not kill him."

"I will tell you, Morrel," said the count, "that I do notneed entreating to spare the life of M. de Morcerf; he shallbe so well spared, that he will return quietly with his twofriends, while I" -

"And you?"

"That will be another thing; I shall be brought home."

"No, no," cried Maximilian, quite unable to restrain hisfeelings.

"As I told you, my dear Morrel, M. de Morcerf will kill me."Morrel looked at him in utter amazement. "But what hashappened, then, since last evening, count?"

"The same thing that happened to Brutus the night before thebattle of Philippi; I have seen a ghost."

"And that ghost" -

"Told me, Morrel, that I had lived long enough." Maximilianand Emmanuel looked at each other. Monte Cristo drew out hiswatch. "Let us go," said he; "it is five minutes past seven,and the appointment was for eight o'clock." A carriage wasin readiness at the door. Monte Cristo stepped into it withhis two friends. He had stopped a moment in the passage tolisten at a door, and Maximilian and Emmanuel, who hadconsiderately passed forward a few steps, thought they heardhim answer by a sigh to a sob from within. As the clockstruck eight they drove up to the place of meeting. "We arefirst," said Morrel, looking out of the window. "Excuse me,sir," said Baptistin, who had followed his master withindescribable terror, "but I think I see a carriage downthere under the trees."

Monte Cristo sprang lightly from the carriage, and offeredhis hand to assist Emmanuel and Maximilian. The latterretained the count's hand between his. "I like," said he,"to feel a hand like this, when its owner relies on thegoodness of his cause."

"It seems to me," said Emmanuel, "that I see two young mendown there, who are evidently, waiting." Monte Cristo drewMorrel a step or two behind his brother-in-law."Maximilian," said he, "are your affections disengaged?"Morrel looked at Monte Cristo with astonishment. "I do notseek your confidence, my dear friend. I only ask you asimple question; answer it; - that is all I require."

"I love a young girl, count."

"Do you love her much?"

"More than my life."

"Another hope defeated!" said the count. Then, with a sigh,"Poor Haidee!" murmured he.

"To tell the truth, count, if I knew less of you, I shouldthink that you were less brave than you are."

"Because I sigh when thinking of some one I am leaving?Come, Morrel, it is not like a soldier to be so bad a judgeof courage. Do I regret life? What is it to me, who havepassed twenty years between life and death? Moreover, do notalarm yourself, Morrel; this weakness, if it is such, isbetrayed to you alone. I know the world is a drawing-room,from which we must retire politely and honestly; that is,with a bow, and our debts of honor paid."

"That is to the purpose. Have you brought your arms?"

"I? - what for? I hope these gentlemen have theirs."

"I will inquire," said Morrel.

"Do; but make no treaty - you understand me?"

"You need not fear." Morrel advanced towards Beauchamp andChateau-Renaud, who, seeing his intention, came to meet him.The three young men bowed to each other courteously, if notaffably.

"Excuse me, gentlemen," said Morrel, "but I do not see M. deMorcerf."

"He sent us word this morning," replied Chateau-Renaud,"that he would meet us on the ground."

"Ah," said Morrel. Beauchamp pulled out his watch. "It isonly five minutes past eight," said he to Morrel; "there isnot much time lost yet."

"Oh, I made no allusion of that kind," replied Morrel.

"There is a carriage coming," said Chateau-Renaud. Itadvanced rapidly along one of the avenues leading towardsthe open space where they were assembled. "You are doubtlessprovided with pistols, gentlemen? M. de Monte Cristo yieldshis right of using his."

"We had anticipated this kindness on the part of the count,"said Beauchamp, "and I have brought some weapons which Ibought eight or ten days since, thinking to want them on asimilar occasion. They are quite new, and have not yet beenused. Will you examine them."

"Oh, M. Beauchamp, if you assure me that M. de Morcerf doesnot know these pistols, you may readily believe that yourword will be quite sufficient."

"Gentlemen," said Chateau-Renaud, "it is not Morcerf comingin that carriage; - faith, it is Franz and Debray!" The twoyoung men he announced were indeed approaching. "What chancebrings you here, gentlemen?" said Chateau-Renaud, shakinghands with each of them. "Because," said Debray, "Albertsent this morning to request us to come." Beauchamp andChateau-Renaud exchanged looks of astonishment. "I think Iunderstand his reason," said Morrel.

"What is it?"

"Yesterday afternoon I received a letter from M. de Morcerf,begging me to attend the opera."

"And I," said Debray.

"And I also," said Franz.

"And we, too," added Beauchamp and Chateau-Renaud.

"Having wished you all to witness the challenge, he nowwishes you to be present at the combat."

"Exactly so," said the young men; "you have probably guessedright."

"But, after all these arrangements, he does not comehimself," said Chateau-Renaud. "Albert is ten minutes aftertime."

"There he comes," said Beauchamp, "on horseback, at fullgallop, followed by a servant."

"How imprudent," said Chateau-Renaud, "to come on horsebackto fight a duel with pistols, after all the instructions Ihad given him."

"And besides," said Beauchamp, "with a collar above hiscravat, an open coat and white waistcoat! Why has he notpainted a spot upon his heart? - it would have been moresimple." Meanwhile Albert had arrived within ten paces ofthe group formed by the five young men. He jumped from hishorse, threw the bridle on his servant's arms, and joinedthem. He was pale, and his eyes were red and swollen; it wasevident that he had not slept. A shade of melancholy gravityoverspread his countenance, which was not natural to him. "Ithank you, gentlemen," said he, "for having complied with myrequest; I feel extremely grateful for this mark offriendship." Morrel had stepped back as Morcerf approached,and remained at a short distance. "And to you also, M.Morrel, my thanks are due. Come, there cannot be too many."

"Sir," said Maximilian, "you are not perhaps aware that I amM. de Monte Cristo's friend?"

"I was not sure, but I thought it might be so. So much thebetter; the more honorable men there are here the better Ishall be satisfied."

"M. Morrel," said Chateau-Renaud, "will you apprise theCount of Monte Cristo that M. de Morcerf is arrived, and weare at his disposal?" Morrel was preparing to fulfil hiscommission. Beauchamp had meanwhile drawn the box of pistolsfrom the carriage. "Stop, gentlemen," said Albert; "I havetwo words to say to the Count of Monte Cristo."

"In private?" asked Morrel.

"No, sir; before all who are here."

Albert's witnesses looked at each other. Franz and Debrayexchanged some words in a whisper, and Morrel, rejoiced atthis unexpected incident, went to fetch the count, who waswalking in a retired path with Emmanuel. "What does he wantwith me?" said Monte Cristo.

"I do not know, but he wishes to speak to you."

"Ah?" said Monte Cristo, "I trust he is not going to temptme by some fresh insult!"

"I do not think that such is his intention," said Morrel.

The count advanced, accompanied by Maximilian and Emmanuel.His calm and serene look formed a singular contrast toAlbert's grief-stricken face, who approached also, followedby the other four young men. When at three paces distantfrom each other, Albert and the count stopped.

"Approach, gentlemen," said Albert; "I wish you not to loseone word of what I am about to have the honor of saying tothe Count of Monte Cristo, for it must be repeated by you toall who will listen to it, strange as it may appear to you."

"Proceed, sir," said the count.

"Sir," said Albert, at first with a tremulous voice, butwhich gradually because firmer, "I reproached you withexposing the conduct of M. de Morcerf in Epirus, for guiltyas I knew he was, I thought you had no right to punish him;but I have since learned that you had that right. It is notFernand Mondego's treachery towards Ali Pasha which inducesme so readily to excuse you, but the treachery of thefisherman Fernand towards you, and the almost unheard-ofmiseries which were its consequences; and I say, andproclaim it publicly, that you were justified in revengingyourself on my father, and I, his son, thank you for notusing greater severity."

Had a thunderbolt fallen in the midst of the spectators ofthis unexpected scene, it would not have surprised them morethan did Albert's declaration. As for Monte Cristo, his eyesslowly rose towards heaven with an expression of infinitegratitude. He could not understand how Albert's fierynature, of which he had seen so much among the Romanbandits, had suddenly stooped to this humiliation. Herecognized the influence of Mercedes, and saw why her nobleheart had not opposed the sacrifice she knew beforehandwould be useless. "Now, sir," said Albert, "if you think myapology sufficient, pray give me your hand. Next to themerit of infallibility which you appear to possess, I rankthat of candidly acknowledging a fault. But this confessionconcerns me only. I acted well as a man, but you have actedbetter than man. An angel alone could have saved one of usfrom death - that angel came from heaven, if not to make usfriends (which, alas, fatality renders impossible), at leastto make us esteem each other."

Monte Cristo, with moistened eye, heaving breast, and lipshalf open, extended to Albert a hand which the latterpressed with a sentiment resembling respectful fear."Gentlemen," said he, "M. de Monte Cristo receives myapology. I had acted hastily towards him. Hasty actions aregenerally bad ones. Now my fault is repaired. I hope theworld will not call me cowardly for acting as my consciencedictated. But if any one should entertain a false opinion ofme," added he, drawing himself up as if he would challengeboth friends and enemies, "I shall endeavor to correct hismistake."

"What happened during the night?" asked Beauchamp ofChateau-Renaud; "we appear to make a very sorry figurehere."

"In truth, what Albert has just done is either verydespicable or very noble," replied the baron.

"What can it mean?" said Debray to Franz. "The Count ofMonte Cristo acts dishonorably to M. de Morcerf, and isjustified by his son! Had I ten Yaninas in my family, Ishould only consider myself the more bound to fight tentimes." As for Monte Cristo, his head was bent down, hisarms were powerless. Bowing under the weight of twenty-fouryears' reminiscences, he thought not of Albert, ofBeauchamp, of Chateau-Renaud, or of any of that group; buthe thought of that courageous woman who had come to pleadfor her son's life, to whom he had offered his, and who hadnow saved it by the revelation of a dreadful family secret,capable of destroying forever in that young man's heartevery feeling of filial piety.

"Providence still," murmured he; "now only am I fullyconvinced of being the emissary of God!"